activity name | Factors | Sector | Category | Source | Years | Regions | Unit Type | ||
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - hard coal)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_hard_coal | 4 of 382 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1980 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - hydro - run-of-river)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_hydro_run_of_river | 4 of 462 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1945 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - natural gas - combined cycle power plant)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_natural_gas_combined_cycle_power_plant | 4 of 444 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2000 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - natural gas - conventional power plant)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_natural_gas_conventional_power_plant | 4 of 420 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1990 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - nuclear - pressure water reactor)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_nuclear_pressure_water_reactor | 4 of 154 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1990 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - nuclear - pressure water reactor - heavy water moderated)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_nuclear_pressure_water_reactor_heavy_water_moderated | 4 of 64 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2010 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - oil)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_oil | 4 of 478 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1980 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of blast furnace gas - in power plant)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_treatment_of_blast_furnace_gas_in_power_plant | 4 of 276 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
1980 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - low voltage (electricity production - photovoltaic - 3kWp slanted-roof installation - multi-Si - panel - mounted)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_photovoltaic_3kWp_slanted_roof_installation_multi_Si_panel_mounted | 4 of 466 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2005 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - low voltage (electricity production - photovoltaic - 3kWp slanted-roof installation - single-Si - panel - mounted)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_photovoltaic_3kWp_slanted_roof_installation_single_Si_panel_mounted | 4 of 369 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2005 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - wind - 1-3MW turbine - onshore)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_wind_1_3MW_turbine_onshore | 3 of 315 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - wind - >3MW turbine - onshore)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_wind_gt_3MW_turbine_onshore | 4 of 356 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2012 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - wind - <1MW turbine - onshore)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_wind_lt_1MW_turbine_onshore | 4 of 379 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2000 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity - high voltage - production mix)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_high_voltage_production_mix | 1 of 379 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - hydro - pumped storage)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_hydro_pumped_storage | 1 of 75 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 1945 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - low voltage (electricity production - photovoltaic - 3kWp slanted-roof installation - multi-Si - panel - mounted)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_photovoltaic_3kwp_slanted_roof_installation_multi_si_panel_mounted | 4 of 466 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2005 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - low voltage (electricity production - photovoltaic - 3kWp slanted-roof installation - single-Si - panel - mounted)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_photovoltaic_3kwp_slanted_roof_installation_single_si_panel_mounted | 4 of 369 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2021
2005 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - low voltage (electricity production - photovoltaic - 570kWp open ground installation - multi-Si)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_photovoltaic_570kwp_open_ground_installation_multi_si | 1 of 232 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2008 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - wind - 1-3MW turbine - offshore)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_wind_1_to_3mw_turbine_offshore | 1 of 26 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2000 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info | |
Electricity - high voltage (electricity production - wind - 1-3MW turbine - onshore)More Activity ID electricity-supply_grid-source_electricity_production_wind_1_to_3mw_turbine_onshore | 1 of 105 Clear Filters | Energy | Electricity | ecoinvent | 2005 | Zhejiang Sheng, CN | Energy | Info |