
Electricity Info

68 Factors68 Factor
1 Region1 Region
31 Activities31 Activity

About Electricity Info is an independent website providing consumers with environmental information on the UK electricity supply industry including emission factors of fuel mix electricity data so they can make an informed choice about their electricity supply.

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Fuel Mix of UK Domestic Electricity Suppliers

Description is an independent website providing consumers with environmental information on the UK electricity supply industry including emission factors of fuel mix electricity data so they can make an informed choice about their electricity supply.
Source type
Original dataset URLURL
Year released
United Kingdom
Type of data
Emission results
Data Transformation
The original source reported emissions in gCO2e/kWh but they were converted to kgCO2e/kWh to ensure consistency.


Type of license
Not specified
License URL
Not specified

Data quality

Data quality assurance
Vetted by Climatiq
Quality flag(s)
Partial factor
The source reports emission factors in CO2 only and does not include the impact of other GHGs.

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  • Go to CT


    Climate Transparency is a global partnership organisation funded by the German Government, World Bank, and several other bodies. It seeks to stimulate climate action in G20 countries through enhanced transparency. The Climate Transparency Report annually provides the emission intensity of electricity generation for various countries, based on the emissions from the respective grid mix.

  • Go to NVE


    The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) provides emission factors for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, covering physically delivered electricity and supplier-specific disclosures, enabling assessment of Norway’s electricity-related emissions.

  • Go to CBAM


    The European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a regulatory tool designed to measure carbon emissions attributed to the production of high-carbon goods imported into the EU, aiming to promote cleaner practices in industrial production across non-EU countries. To this end, the European Commission publishes emission factors providing the necessary metrics for compliance and environmental integrity.

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