
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)

136 Factors136 Factor
34 Regions34 Region
1 Source1 Source

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Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
RegionView all 34 regions
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1990 2021
LCA Activity

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Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)
Electricity - high voltage (treatment of coal gas - in power plant)

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