Emission Factor

Ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate production)

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Emission factor summary

Emissions generated by the activity within the product supply chain as described in ecoinvent v3.10. The product 'ammonium sulfate' is an inorganic substance with a CAS no. : 007783-20-2. It is called 'diazanium;sulfate' under IUPAC naming and its molecular formula is: H8N2O4S. It is solid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure with no distinct odor. It is modelled as a pure substance. Modelling this substance in a solution requires the user to add the solvent of their choice in their models. On a consumer level is used in the following products: fertilisers and plant protection products. On industrial sites the substance is used for the manufacture of products in the following sectors: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and agriculture forestry and fishing. This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Based on EU regulations (REGULATION (EU) 2019/1009) if this substance would be used as fertiliser it could be labelled as N-P-K of: (21-0-0) +0.24 S. The cut-off classification is allocatable product. The activity type is ordinary transforming activity. The reference product amount is 1.

NameAmmonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate production)
SectorMaterials and Manufacturing
CategoryChemical Products
Unit Type
Year Released
Emission Factor
  • CO2e0000kg/kg
LCA Activity
Supported CO2e Calculation Method
AR5, AR6
Data Versioning
  • Status: Current

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