Emission Factor

Application of plant protection product - by field sprayer (application of plant protection product - by field sprayer)

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Emission factor summary

Emissions generated by the activity within the product supply chain as described in ecoinvent v3.10. This is delivering the service of application of plant protection product by field sprayer on an area of one hectare. It includes expenditures of mobile infrastructure (tractors machinery) operating with diesel. Diesel consumption is the most crucial parameter within this service as it linearly affects direct emissions generated through diesel combustion. If primary data of diesel consumption is available user can employ the right amount (ha) of this service by correlating the diesel consumption of this service with the primary data. An example of use: A user wishing to model this service is aware that within his/her model the diesel consumption (kg/ha) is twice as much as in this service. The user can adapt the service better to their needs by modeling 2 ha of it. The service does not include the input of plant protection product. A user wishing to employ this dataset should add the correct amount of plant protection product to their model themselves. The cut-off classification is allocatable product. The activity type is ordinary transforming activity. The reference product amount is 1.

NameApplication of plant protection product - by field sprayer (application of plant protection product - by field sprayer)
CategoryArable Farming
Unit Type
Year Released
Emission Factor
  • CO2e0000kg/ha
LCA Activity
Supported CO2e Calculation Method
AR5, AR6
Data Versioning
  • Status: Current

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