Emission Factor

Carton board box production - with offset printing (carton board box production service - with offset printing)

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Emission factor summary

Emissions generated by the activity within the product supply chain as described in ecoinvent v3.10. The product carton board box production with gravure printing' represents the service of producing carton board box production with gravure printing. This service does not include the input of carton board and only includes the steps of cutting folding and printing with a gravure machine. This service allows the users to model the production of different carton board boxes according to their needs. Per kg of used carton board 0.83 kg of this module are required. The cut-off classification is allocatable product. The activity type is ordinary transforming activity. The reference product amount is 1.

NameCarton board box production - with offset printing (carton board box production service - with offset printing)
SectorMaterials and Manufacturing
CategoryPaper and Cardboard
Unit Type
Year Released
Emission Factor
  • CO2e0000kg/kg
LCA Activity
Supported CO2e Calculation Method
AR5, AR6
Data Versioning
  • Status: Current

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