Emission Factor

3-methyl-1-butanol (hydroformylation of butene)

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Emission factor summary

Emissions generated by the activity within the product supply chain as described in ecoinvent v3.8. 3-methyl-1-butanol' is an organic substance with a CAS no. : 000123-51-3. It is called '3-methylbutan-1-ol' under IUPAC naming and its molecular formula is: C5H12O. It is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure and is colourless. The substance is modelled as a pure substance. On a consumer level, is used in the following products: lubricants and greases, polishes and waxes, anti-freeze products, washing & cleaning products, adhesives and sealants and coating products. On industrial sites, the substance is used for the manufacture of products in the following sectors: polymers, laboratory chemicals, coating products, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, finger paints, inks and toners, lubricants and greases, pharmaceuticals, photo-chemicals and washing & cleaning products. The cut-off classification is allocatable product. The activity type is ordinary transforming activity. The reference product amount is 1.

Name3-methyl-1-butanol (hydroformylation of butene)
SectorMaterials and Manufacturing
CategoryChemical Products
Unit Type
Year Released
Emission Factor
  • CO2e0000kg/kg
LCA Activity
Supported CO2e Calculation Method
AR4, AR5
Data Versioning
  • Status: Current

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