About CBAM
The European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a regulatory tool designed to measure carbon emissions attributed to the production of high-carbon goods imported into the EU, aiming to promote cleaner practices in industrial production across non-EU countries. To this end, the European Commission publishes emission factors providing the necessary metrics for compliance and environmental integrity.
Visit CBAM websiteDatasets from CBAM
Emission intensities at country level
Property | Value |
Description | The European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a regulatory tool designed to measure carbon emissions attributed to the production of high-carbon goods imported into the EU, aiming to promote cleaner practices in industrial production across non-EU countries. To this end, the European Commission publishes emission factors providing the necessary metrics for compliance and environmental integrity. |
Source type | Governmental |
Original dataset URL | URL |
Year released | 2023 |
Geography | Multiple regions |
Sector | |
Type of data | Activity-based |
Emission results | CO2e |
Data Transformation | The source reports emissions in TCO2e/Tproduct, which have been converted to kgCO2e/kg to ensure consistency in the database. |
Property | Value |
Type of license | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License with the exception of the coal mining asset level data that have been made available from Global Energy Monitor under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 |
License URL | URL |
Data quality
Property | Value |
Data quality assurance | Vetted by Climatiq |
Quality flag(s) | NA |
Explore the CBAM dataset
See emission factors→Featured Emission Factors in CBAM
Explore All- Go to Ammonia
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor - Go to Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor - Go to Ammonium nitrate - CaCO3 or inorganic non-fertilisers
Ammonium nitrate - CaCO3 or inorganic non-fertilisers
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor - Go to Ammonium sulphate
Ammonium sulphate
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor - Go to Diammonium phosphate
Diammonium phosphate
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor - Go to Double salts ammonium sulphate / nitrate
Double salts ammonium sulphate / nitrate
Materials and Manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing72 Factors72 Factor
Other Sources
Explore All- Go to Electricity Info
Electricity Info
ElectricityInfo.org is an independent website providing consumers with environmental information on the UK electricity supply industry including emission factors of fuel mix electricity data so they can make an informed choice about their electricity supply.
- Go to EEI
The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies. EEI has developed a database to support corporate sustainability reporting, especially in calculating scope 2 emissions for specific US electricity suppliers.
- Go to ADEME
ADEME (Agence de la transition écologique) is the French Agency for Ecological Transition and offers a wide range of emission factors to support the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in France. These emission factors are used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions associated with various activities, such as energy consumption and transportation.