API Releases
Autopilot v1 (preview3)

Autopilot v1-preview3

This document lists updates that are new in v1-preview3 of Autopilot from v1-preview2.

This version of Autopilot is available at:

See the reference documentation for detailed API requests and responses.

Migrating from v1-preview2 to v1-preview3

Notable changes

  • The v1-preview3 version of Autopilot no longer supports the expert review mechanism and overrides feature. We have therefore removed the /request-review endpoint and /overrides endpoint.
  • Additional filter mechanisms have been added to Suggest and One-shot Estimate endpoint to help you refine your emission factor search.
  • The list of domains have been updated. Source-specific domains were removed and instead, you may refine the sources you wish to search from using the new source fields.

API Changes (Request)

Unit type filter

unit_type field is now accepted in Suggest endpoint, and the parameters object has been removed. Previously, you could only specify a single unit type with the parameters object in the request body. The new unit_type field lets you define one or more unit types for Autopilot to find the best emission factor match, which can be useful if you have data in more than one unit type.

Source and LCA filters

source and exclude_source fields were added to the Suggest and One-shot Estimate endpoint. This allows you to define the sources Autopilot searches from, as long as they are part of the domain. Note that these filters are mutually exclusive, that is, they cannot be used in the same request.

source_lca_activity field was added to the Suggest and One-shot Estimate endpoint. This enables Autopilot to return only emission factors containing one or more source_lca_activity specified.

Domain options

We have streamlined the domains we provide in the Autopilot feature so that they are not source-specific.

The following domains have been removed:

  • general_and_ecoinvent
  • manufacturing_and_ecoinvent
  • exiobase
  • ecoinvent

If you wish to get suggestions using a subset of sources, you should use the new source or exclude_source filters.

Other updates

  • Estimating with a suggestion ID is now available at the path /suggest/estimate. Previously it was available at the path /estimate.
  • In a Suggest request, the top-level estimate object has been renamed to suggest.

API Changes (Response)

  • You will now be given more information if your request was rejected due to invalid fields being provided in the request body.
  • With the removal of expert review mechanism, the review_state and last_human_review_at fields were removed from calculation_details object when estimating without a suggestion.

Migrating from v1-preview1 to v1-preview3

If you are using v1-preview1 of Autopilot, we recommend that you migrate from v1-preview1 directly to v1-preview3 so you can access the latest features. Note that the Suggest endpoint response has undergone significant changes as emission estimation values are no longer provided in the Suggest response. To obtain emission calculations, you must make a separate request to the Estimate endpoint using the emission factor of your choice.

Fetch a list of emission factors from Suggest

This should contain at the minimum, the free-text input and an Autopilot domain. In return, you will receive a list of emission factors, each with a suggestion_id identifier.

Select the emission factor of your choice from Suggest

Note the suggestion_id of the emission factor you want to make a calculation with.

Calculate emissions with Estimate

You will need to include the suggestion_id of the selected emission factor in your Estimate request to receive calculated emission values.

Alternatively, you may also use the One-shot Estimate endpoint to automatically fetch an emission calculation using the top match from Autopilot.

For a more extensive walkthrough on how to obtain estimations from Autopilot, see this guide on how to integrate Autopilot into your application.