Emission Factor

Pipeline - natural gas - high pressure distribution network (pipeline construction - natural gas - high pressure distribution network)

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Emission factor summary

Emissions generated by the activity within the product supply chain as described in ecoinvent v3.10. This is an immobile infrastructure representing the construction and the installations of a pipeline that is used for natural gas distribution in the high and middle pressure distribution network. It is made of steel polyethylene and cast iron having a total length of 6 380 km. It has a lifetime capacity of 765 000 000 MJ and a lifetime of 40 years. The process includes production of the pipes their transport at the different parts from the factory to the place of installation the excavation for the installation and the decommissioning of the pipeline. Infrastructure of the factory is not included. The cut-off classification is allocatable product. The activity type is ordinary transforming activity. The reference product amount is 1.

NamePipeline - natural gas - high pressure distribution network (pipeline construction - natural gas - high pressure distribution network)
SectorBuildings and Infrastructure
Unit Type
Year Released
Emission Factor
  • CO2e0000kg/km
LCA Activity
Supported CO2e Calculation Method
AR5, AR6
Data Versioning
  • Status: Current

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