

2162 Factors2162 Factor
671 Regions671 Region
5 Activities5 Activity

About Greenview

Greenview is a sustainability platform that provides the Hotel Footprinting Tool, utilizing data from over 27,000 hotels in the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking index.

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Greenview Hotel Footprinting Tool 2024 v1.1

Greenview is a sustainability platform that provides the Hotel Footprinting Tool, utilizing data from over 27,000 hotels in the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking index.
Source type
Original dataset URLURL
Year released
Multiple regions
Type of data
Emission results
Data Transformation


Type of license
Not specified
License URL
Not specified

Data quality

Data quality assurance
Vetted by Climatiq
Quality flag(s)

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Featured Emission Factors in Greenview

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  • Go to Hotel stay

    Hotel stay

    Restaurants and Accommodation Restaurants and Accommodation
    897 Factors897 Factor
  • Go to Hotel stay (3 star)

    Hotel stay (3 star)

    Restaurants and Accommodation Restaurants and Accommodation
    435 Factors435 Factor
  • Go to Hotel stay (4 star)

    Hotel stay (4 star)

    Restaurants and Accommodation Restaurants and Accommodation
    374 Factors374 Factor
  • Go to Hotel stay (2 star)

    Hotel stay (2 star)

    Restaurants and Accommodation Restaurants and Accommodation
    372 Factors372 Factor
  • Go to Hotel stay (5 star)

    Hotel stay (5 star)

    Restaurants and Accommodation Restaurants and Accommodation
    310 Factors310 Factor

Other Sources

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  • Go to CLP Group

    CLP Group

    The CLP Group is a Hong Kong-based power company that generates electricity from a variety of sources, including coal, gas, nuclear, and renewable energy. The company conducts greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting and provides data on its emissions performance.

  • Go to WRAP


    WRAP provides a comprehensive database for scope 3 food and drink emission factors, employing a consistent methodology that enables businesses to measure and track their supply chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To form this comprehensive repository, WRAP synthesizes information from numerous distinct sources including academic publications among others.

  • Go to CCF


    Cloud Carbon Footprint is a free and open-source emissions measurement and analysis tool. It provides emission factors and methodology for measuring the emissions of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

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