Google Sheets Extension

Guide to the Google Sheets Extension

Utilize Climatiq-specific extension for Google Sheets to seamlessly convert your business activity data into carbon estimates across various activities, such as travel, energy usage, and fuel consumption.


Climatiq’s Google Sheets extension transforms your spreadsheets into a powerful environmental impact assessment tool. No coding is required, allowing you to quickly create proofs of concept and collaborate with your team for feedback before fully integrating Climatiq’s API or developing advanced features. The Add-In lets you visualize results directly in Excel and share detailed emission reports, streamlining approval for sustainability projects with reliable data.

Since this tool provides a simplified version of our API endpoints, we recommend reviewing our documentation or using the guided Postman collection if you are interested in accessing the full capabilities of the API.

Getting Started

Access to Climatiq's API generally requires a commercial subscription. However, for this Extension, we offer a free starter plan that includes up to 500 emission estimations per month, granting access to all advanced emission calculations, e.g. the emission estimations for travel, freight, energy and the Autopilot. Without this plan or a commercial subscription, functionality will be limited to basic estimations, i.e. General Estimates and General Search. You can sign up for the starter plan here (opens in a new tab). If you anticipate commercial usage or usage beyond the free starter plan limit, please reach out to our team (opens in a new tab).

Installation of the extension

You can add the extension to Google Sheets by installing it via the Google Marketplace (opens in a new tab). Once installed, it will be come available via the "Extension" menu item in the Google Sheets menu bar.

Menu Bar

Setting the API key

To be able to use the formulas, you will need to set an API key to be used by the extension when calling Climatiq's API. You can get your API key by following these steps. Once you've obtained the key, you set it via the Extension menu (Extension > Climatiq > Set API key) in Google Sheets and you are ready to go.

The API key will be stored permanently for this specific sheet and other users using this file will also be able to make use of the formulas. This also means that you will have to set the key once for every new Google sheet in which you'd want to use this integration.

Set Key

Support and Feedback

In case of questions, please reach out to the Climatiq team via the website chat or the support form (opens in a new tab). We also appreciate any feedback being shared through these channels.

General Concepts and Notices

To get the most out of the extension, it's important to familiarize yourself with the following concepts.

"ShowDetails" Flag

For all Estimation and Autopilot functions, you can choose whether to receive additional calculation details or just the estimated CO2e value in the response. Refer to the documentation for each formula to see which details are available. The additional details will be stored in the cells following the one containing the function.

Show Details

Optional Parameters

Typically not all parameters are required when using the formulas. The documentation indicates which ones are required and which ones are optional. In case no value should be used for the optional parameters, please simply leave them empty, e.g. Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Air(start, end, flightclass) as Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Air("BER", "JFK"). Optional Parameters

Error Handling

In addition to common errors, formulas will return specific errors from the Climatiq API if an input is incorrect, or if the provided API key is invalid, or a suitable emission factor cannot be found by the API.

Examplary Error

Populate Header Rows

Many of the formulas will retrieve results across multiple cells, especially when the "showDetails" flag is being used. To know which different values are being retrieved and to automatically populate the headers for the result columns, there is a collection of dedicated formulas available for this. For every Calculate and Autopilot formula, you can simply add _Headers to the original formula name. Additionally, you can indicate, whether the detail column headers should also be populated. A few examples: =Climatiq_Autopilot_Headers(TRUE), =Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Air_Headers() and =Climatiq_Calculate_IntermodalFreightTransport_Headers(TRUE)

API Consumption and Recalculation of Results

By default, Google Sheets will re-calculate the results for formulas eeverytime an input changes or the file is reloaded. Every re-calculation will also count as a call to the Climatiq API. To avoid overconsumption of your subscribed API calls, it is recommended to copy-paste the values of the calculations into the cells as soon as the calculations are complete. To do this, you should select the cells with the calculation results, copy them and paste them back into these cells via Edit > Paste Special > Values only.

Documentation within the Extension

To see an overview of the available formulas in a sidebar within Google Sheets, you can open the documentation via the Extension menu (Extension > Climatiq > Show documentation).

Access to all functionalities

By default, when signing up for the Climatiq API, the initial access only covers the usage of the general estimation and search capabilities. For any advanced calculations, e.g. emission estimations for air travel, additional access needs to be granted for your API key. Otherwise the following error will be shown when trying to make use of an advanced features, that has not yet been enabled for your account:

Your authentication is valid, but you do not have access to this feature.

To enable these advanced features, you can sign up to a free starter plan, which covers up to 500 emission estimations monthly across advanced emission calculations. You can sign up for this plan here (opens in a new tab). And in case you are interested in large-scale usage of the integration, please reach out to our team (opens in a new tab).


There are three sets of formulas available:

  • Estimations: Easily calculate the emissions for different kinds of business activities, e.g. travel, shipping and energy usage based on detailed methodologies
  • Autopilot: Leverage Climatiq's Autopilot to automate spend- and activity-based emission estimates
  • Search: Look up emission factors, support regions, fuel types, and others in Climatiq's database


General Emission

Calculate the total estimated emissions produced for a particular activity, in kgCO2e, using any emission factor in the Climatiq database.

Climatiq_Calculate(activityID, region, source, year, unit, amount, showDetails)


activityIDTextAn ID describing the activity that to search for. Multiple emission factors can share the same activity_id, e.g. if they are from a different source or apply to a different region. You can search for activity_ids in the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) or via the search formulas.
regionTextA region code describing the geographic region to which the emission factor applies.
sourceTextDesired emission factor source.
yearNumberYear in which the activity took place.
unitTextSpecific unit of the consumed amount, e.g. usd for Money, l for Volume or kg for Weight. See the full list here.
amountNumberAmount for which the emissions shall be calculated.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details on the used emission factor should be shared: Name, source and ID of the used emission factor.

Examples Calculate Emissions

Air Travel

Calculate the total estimated emissions of air travel. The distance between the airports will be calculated using the great circle distance.

Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Air(start, end, flightclass, year, showDetails)


startTextStart location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
endTextDestination location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
flightclassTextFlight class, can be empty, average,economy, business or first.
yearNumberThe year in which the travel occurred.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details should also be shared: Distance, direct emissions, indirect emissions & notices.

Examples Calculate Travel Air

Road Travel

Calculate the total estimated emissions of road travel. The distance between the locations will be calculated by considering the actual road network where possible.

Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Road(start, end, car_type, car_fuel,year, showDetails)


startTextStart location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
endTextDestination location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
car_typeTextSize of the care. Valid values are small, medium, large and average.
car_fuelTextType of fuel used by the car. Valid values are: petrol, diesel, hybrid (cars with a battery that is recharged by the internal combustion engine), plugin_hybrid (cars with an internal combustion engine and a battery that can be plugged in), battery (for electric vehicles) and average.
yearNumberThe year in which the travel occurred.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details should also be shared: Distance, direct emissions, indirect emissions & notices.

Examples Calculate Travel Road

Rail Travel

Calculate the total estimated emissions of rail travel. The distance between the locations will be calculated by considering the actual rail network where possible. Otherwise the road distance will be used.

Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Rail(start, end, year, showDetails)


startTextStart location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
endTextDestination location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
yearNumberThe year in which the travel occurred.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details should also be shared: Distance, direct emissions, indirect emissions & notices.

Examples Calculate Travel Rail

Travel based on Spend

Calculate travel emissions based on spend-based data in any currency by using EXIOBASE emission factors. This calculation automatically takes inflation into account, if the year you spent the money was different than the year of the emission factor.

Climatiq_Calculate_Travel_Spend(spend_type, currency, amount, location, year, showDetails)


spend_typeTextThe type of travel associated with the expenditure. Valid values are: air, road, rail, sea, and hotel.
currencyTextThe currency in which the money unit is expressed.
amountNumberThe amount of money spent.
locationTextThe location where money was spent, can be any type of free text.
yearNumberThe year in which expenditures occurred.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details should also be shared: Distance, used emission factor name, source, region and notices.

Examples Calculate Travel Spend

Freight Shipping

Calculate the total estimated emissions of freight shipping. The distance between the locations will be calculated by considering the actual transport network where possible. By calling our API directly, it's also possible to specify the individual shipment legs as well as the mode of transport used.

Climatiq_Calculate_IntermodalFreightTransport(start, end, mode, weight, weightUnit, direct, showDetails)


startTextStart location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
endTextDestination location, can be free text (Berlin), IATA Code (BER), UN-LOCODE (DE-BER) or coordinates, i.e. lat & lon (52.520008,13.404954)
modeTextMain mode of transport. Valid values are: air, road, rail and sea
weightNumberWeight of the transported goods
weightUnitTextUnit of the weight. Valid values are: g, kg, t (metric ton), lb, ton (US short ton).
directTrue/FalseIndicates if in case of sea, air or rail freight the road pre- and post-leg should NOT be added.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if there details should also be shared: Distance & route.

Examples Calculate Freight

Procurement Emissions by Industry Classification Code

Estimate the emissions for a purchase using an industry classification code to identify the type of purchased goods or service. This calculation accounts for tax, trade and transport margins using per-sector and per-country margins from EXIOBASE, if no user-supplied margins are provided. It also corrects for currency exchange rates and inflation adjustments, using rates from the UN Treasury, supplemented with per-industry inflation numbers from Eurostat. You can find details on the methodology here.

Climatiq_Calculate_Procurement_ByClassification(scheme, code, region, year, currency, amount, showDetails)


schemeTextThe classification scheme used. Valid values are: mcc, unspsc, isic4 and nace2
codeTextSpecific code of the classification. Please be aware that UNSPSC is only available up to a family level, i.e. the last four digits should be 0.
regionTextThe country in which the goods have been purchased, i.e. ideally the supplier country. Must be a 2-digit country code from ISO-3166-1 (opens in a new tab).
yearNumberYear of purchase
currencyTextCurrency of spend, see all available currencies here.
amountTextSpend amount
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details about the calculation methodology should also be shared: Emission factor name, the applied margins for tax, trade, transport and inflation.

Examples Calculate Spend Code

Procurement Emissions by Activity ID

Estimate the emissions for a purchase using an activity ID to identify the type of purchased goods or service. This calculation accounts for tax, trade and transport margins using per-sector and per-country margins from EXIOBASE, if no user-supplied margins are provided. It also corrects for currency exchange rates and inflation adjustments, using rates from the UN Treasury, supplemented with per-industry inflation numbers from Eurostat. You can find details on the methodology here.

Climatiq_Calculate_Procurement_ByActivityID(activity_id, region, year, currency, amount, showDetails)


activityIDTextAn ID describing the activity that to search for. Multiple emission factors can share the same activity_id, e.g. if they are from a different source or apply to a different region. You can search for activity_ids in the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) or via the search formulas.
regionTextThe country in which the goods have been purchased, i.e. ideally the supplier country. Must be a 2-digit country code from ISO-3166-1 (opens in a new tab).
yearNumberYear of purchase
currencyTextCurrency of spend, see all available currencies here.
amountTextSpend amount
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details about the calculation methodology should also be shared: Emission factor name, the applied margins for tax, trade, transport and inflation.

Examples Calculate Spend ID


Estimate the emissions of fuel combustion. The calculation also provides details on the associated scope 3, i.e. the well-to-tank emissions. More options are available by directly calling our API.

Climatiq_Calculate_Fuel(fuel_type, amount, amount_unit, region, year, showDetails)


fuel_typeTextType of fuel burned, e.g. biodiesel, cng, fuel_gas, etc. You can make use of our search formula to get a list of available fuel types.
amountNumberAmount of fuel burned.
amount_unitTextUnit of provided amount
regionTextThe country in which the fuel has been purchased. Must be the 2-digit UN code.
yearNumberYear of the fuel consumption
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if these details about the calculation methodology should also be shared: Overall co2e, combustion emissions, wtt emissions and notices.

Examples Calculate Fuel


Estimate the emissions of electricity usage. If desired, the formula also provides details on the associated scope 3, i.e. the well-to-tank, transmission and distribution losses and their well-to-tank emissions. More options are available by directly calling the API - refer to the documentation for details.

Climatiq_Calculate_Electricity(amount, region, year, connectionType, calculationType, supplier, energy_source, recs, includeScope3, showDetails)


amountNumberAmount of electricity consumed in kWh.
regionTextThe country or region in which the electricity has been consumed. Must be the 2-digit UN code.
yearTextYear of the electricity consumption
connectionTypeTextEither the electricity was delivered via the "grid" or via a direct line. Default is grid.
calculationTypeTextIndicates whether the location-based or market-based value should be returned, default is location-based.
supplierTextAvailable where the region is GB or a US state, a supplier ID can be provided to use market factors for that supplier. Use the respective search formula to find available suppliers.
energy_sourceTextThe source that electricity is generated from. Valid values are renewable or specific fuel types such as natural_gas, coal, biomass and nuclear.
recsNumberQuantity of RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) to apply for market-based emission calculations.
includeScope3True/FalseIndicates if the scope 3 emissions should be considered in the calculation, default is false.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details should also be shared: Overall co2e, combustion emissions, wtt emissions and notices.

Examples Calculate Electricity

Cloud Computing - Virtual Machines

Estimate the emissions for using virtual machines provided by the common cloud providers (AWS, GCP and Azure), including both the embodied emissions (meaning the emissions related to the manufacturing and disposal of the physical components, expressed per CPU hour over the expected lifetime of the hardware) and the electricity usage of the different components. More options are available by directly calling our API.

Climatiq_Calculate_CloudVMs(vm_type, region, provider, duration, duration_unit, showDetails)


vm_typeTextThe specific virtual machine instance type you are using.
regionTextThe region that is relevant for the calculation, as specified by the cloud provider.
providerTextThe provider used, valid values are: aws, azure and gcp.
durationNumberHow long the machine is running for.
duration_unitTextThe unit the duration value is in. Valid values are ms, s, m, h, day, year.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details about the calculation methodology should also be shared: Overall emissions, the memory usage energy emissions, the cpu usage energy emissions and the embodied emissions.

Examples Calculate Electricity


Calculate total estimated emissions produced for a particular Combined Nomenclature (CN) code, for use with CBAM reporting.

Climatiq_Calculate_CBAM(cn_code, production_region, weight, weight_unit, showDetails)


cn_codeTextThe combined nomenclature code for the imported goods.
production_regionTextThe region the goods were produced in. If you specify "ROW" then this will return the EU default factors
weightNumberThe weight of the imported goods in the defined unit.
weight_unitTextUnit of the weight. Valid values are: g, kg, t (metric ton), lb, ton (US short ton).
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details should also be shared (overall co2e, estimated costs, the emission factor name, direct emissions, indirect emissions and notices).

Examples Calculate Electricity


Autopilot is an AI-powered calculation endpoint designed to automate spend- and activity-based emission estimates. It uses a proprietary natural language processing (NLP) model paired with Climatiq’s scientific expertise to streamline complex emission calculations, making carbon insights accessible to non-experts.

Autopilot significantly reduces the time and manual effort spent identifying the appropriate emission factors and mapping activity data. Capable of ingesting any taxonomy and unstructured data, this feature matches raw text content to the correct emission factors and delivers accurate and compliant emission estimates.

Leveraging a built-in expert review mechanism and machine learning, Autopilot's matching algorithm consistently refines its precision. This is achieved through active feedback and continuous improvement of the underlying NLP model.

General Estimation

Calculate total estimated emissions produced for a particular activity, in kgCO2e, using free-text input. The best matching emission factor will automatically be selected and used for the calculation.

Climatiq_Autopilot(text, domain, unit, amount, year, region, region_fallback, showDetails)


textTextThe free-form input text, such as an activity name, service or material name.
domainTextDefines the scope of emission factors to be searched, see available domains here.
unitTextSpecific unit of the consumed amount, e.g. usd for Money, l for Volume or kg for Weight. See the full list here.
amountNumberAmount for which the emissions shall be calculated.
yearNumberYear in which the activity took place.
regionTextA region code describing the geographic region to which the emission factor should apply.
region_fallbackTrue/FalseIndicates if Autopilot should search in other regions, if no factor can be found for the given region.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details on the used emission factor should be shared: Name, source and ID.

Examples Autopilot


Receive a number of suggested Emission Factors for a particular input query. You can adjust the number of suggestions to return. Suggestions are ordered by the most likely match first. For each result, a suggestion ID is returned, which you can apply via the Autopilot_EstimateSuggest formula to calculate the respective emissions.

Climatiq_Autopilot_Suggest(results, text, domain, unit_type, source, year, region, region_fallback, excludeEcoinvent, flatten, showDetails)


resultsNumberThe maximum number of suggestions to receive. Autopilot will return as many suitable suggestions as it can find, up to the max number requested, or at most 20 suggestions.
textTextThe free-form input text, such as an activity name, service or material name.
domainTextDefines the scope of emission factors to be searched, see available domains here.
unit_typeTextThe unit types of the activity, can be Weight, Money, Volume and Number. When searching across multiple types, split them with a comma, e.g. "Money,Volume"
sourceTextThe source(s) in which should be searched in. If you search in multiple sources, split them with a comma, e.g. "BEIS,EPA,Ecoinvent"
yearNumberYear in which the activity took place.
regionTextA region code describing the geographic region to which the emission factor should apply.
region_fallbackTrue/FalseIndicates if Autopilot should search in other regions, if no factor can be found for the given region.
excludeEcoinventTrue/FalseIndicates if Ecoinvent emission factors should be disregarded during the Matching
flattenTrue/FalseIndicates if the calculation details of the matches should also be shared, i.e. estimated emissions and the details of the used emission factor (name, source, Climatiq UUID)
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details on the used emission factor should be shared: Name, source and ID.

Example - Flattened Autopilot Suggest Flattened

Example - Not Flattened Autopilot Suggest

Estimate Suggest

Calculate an emission estimation for an emission factor match. To calculate an emission estimation you will need to first find an emission factor using the Suggest endpoint. When you have selected an emission factor, you can request for a calculation using the suggestion ID.

Climatiq_Autopilot_EstimateSuggest(suggestID, unit, amount, showDetails)


suggestIDTextAn ID generated via the Suggest function.
unitTextSpecific unit of the consumed amount, e.g. usd for Money, l for Volume or kg for Weight. See the full list here.
amountNumberAmount for which the emissions shall be calculated.
showDetailsTrue/FalseIndicates if details on the used emission factor should be shared: Name, source and ID.

Example - Flattened Autopilot Suggest Flattened


Search Emission Factors

Search the emission factor database of Climatiq. Please be aware that this might only return a subset of results (depending on the number of results specified). The search works in the same way as ouData Explorer (opens in a new tab)- The formula returns a table of results, so make sure the surrounding cells are empty when using this formula. Depending on whether an existing Climatiq subscription to use the raw emission factors is in place, these will also be returned as part of the response. If you want to gain access to the raw emission factors, please reach out to our team (opens in a new tab).

Climatiq_Search_EmissionFactors(query, numberOfResults, sector, category, source, region, unit_type, lca_stage)


queryTextA free-text query that will match ids, names, descriptions, etc. of emission factors. This uses fuzzy matching, so your query does not need to be precise.
numberOfResultsNumberThe number of results to be shared. The maximum value is 500.
sectorTextFilters by emission factor sector. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
categoryTextFilters by emission factor category. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
sourceTextFilters by emission factor source. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
regionTextFilters by emission factor region. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
yearNumberFilters by applicable year.
unit_typeTextFilters by emission factor unit type, e.g. Money or Volume. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
lca_stageTextFilters by Life Cycle Assessment stage, e.g. well-to-tank. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.

Examples Search

Available Regions

Find available regions for a specific query. At least one of the parameters needs to be set.

Climatiq_Search_Regions(query, sector, category, source)


queryTextA free-text query that will match ids, names, descriptions, etc. of emission factors. This uses fuzzy matching, so your query does not need to be precise.
sectorTextFilters by emission factor sector. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
categoryTextFilters by emission factor category. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.
sourceTextFilters by emission factor source. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.

Examples Search Regions

Available Electricity Suppliers

Find available electricity suppliers for a specific region to be used for the electricity emission estimation. Currently only available for GB and US regions.



regionTextFilters by emission factor region. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.

Examples Search Suppliers

Available Fuel Types

Pulls a list of fuel types available to be used in the fuel emissions formula for a specific unit type.



unit_typeTextFilters by emission factor unit type, e.g. Money or Volume. Refer to the Data Explorer (opens in a new tab) for a list of available options.

Examples Search Fuels Types