Emissions insights, embedded in your SaaS application

Provide out-of-the-box carbon reporting and analytics to help your customers measure and monitor their emissions.

What you can achieve with Carbon Measurement

Unlock revenue

Tap into new revenue streams and extend your SaaS offering by meeting the growing customer demand for trusted carbon solutions.

Stay competitive

Outpace competitors by launching new sustainability offerings on your platform, positioning your business as an industry innovator.

Deepen loyalty

Strengthen customer bonds with integrated sustainability tools that make your solutions an indispensable part of their strategy.

Your platform,
our data and calculations

What you can build with Climatiq’s Data and Calculate API

Deliver emissions reports

Unlock access to robust emissions data and help your customers disclose their carbon footprint, meet regulatory obligations, and reduce business risk.

Audit-ready reports

Build audit-ready reporting tailored to your industry.

Tailored insights

Customize metrics and report views for every stakeholder.

Comprehensive data

Offer emission insights for any scope and business activity.

Build carbon footprint dashboards

Help customers monitor emissions in real-time and extract actionable insights to enable low-carbon decisions.

Build interactive visuals

Bring data to life with responsive visualizations.

Deliver seamless tracking

Set and track against net-zero targets and benchmarks.

Surface their impact

Show the direct CO2e impact of decisions in real-time.

Contact sales
Discover how Novata empowers carbon measurement for the private sector and beyond with Climatiq's API.
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