Empower customers. Drive carbon action.

Enable your customers to translate data into action and achieve their sustainability goals with your SaaS solution. Build customized decision support and optimization tools to guide their decarbonization strategy.

What you can achieve with Carbon Action

Unlock revenue

Tap into new revenue streams and extend your platform by meeting the growing customer demand for trusted carbon solutions.

Stay competitive

Outpace competitors by launching new sustainability offerings on your platform, positioning your business as an industry innovator.

Deepen loyalty

Strengthen customer bonds with integrated sustainability tools that make your solutions an indispensable part of their strategy.

Your platform,
our data and calculations

What you can build with Climatiq’s Data and Calculate API

Develop hotspot analyses for carbon

Identify and monitor emission hotspots within your SaaS application. Build custom visualizations so customers can uncover anomalies and make informed decisions.

Build net-zero planning solutions

Simulate CO2e impacts and show projected emissions across business activities so customers can forecast and compare scenarios before committing to a plan of action.


Support supplier evaluation

Provide robust supplier insights. Surface CO2e as an additional variable alongside cost and quality metrics for comprehensive supplier selection. Build supplier ranking features so customers can compare by emissions intensity.

Discover how Kinaxis integrates carbon transparency into supply chain planning using Climatiq's API.
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