Data Versions
Release 20

Data Release 20

This is Data Release 20, released on January 15th, 2025. To use the (automatically-updating) dynamic version, you can use ^20. To use the fixed (unchanging) version, you can use 20. See more information about our data versioning scheme at the reference page.

Simplified data versions
We have simplified how we talk about and accept data versions based on user feedback. The 20.20 version format still works and is equivalent to the new fixed version format 20.

New Data

  • Ministry for the Environment (MfE) 2024: Emission factors for New Zealand across sectors such as Energy, Transport, Waste, and more.
  • Singapore Emission Factors Registry (SEFR) 2024: Emission factor database for Singapore including data for Materials, Equipment, Energy, Transport, and Waste.
  • ADEME Base Carbone V23.4: Emission factors for Fuels.
  • Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) 2024: Data on electricity generation and consumption in Norway.
  • European Environment Agency (EEA) 2024: Electricity generation data for European regions
  • Umweltbundesamt (UBA) 2024: Electricity grid mix data, including upstream emissions and electricity generation.

Data Changed

This list only covers major changes. Changes covering a smaller subset of emission factors, or changes such as name or description changes, are not listed. Find a link at the end of this document to a structured table listing all changes.

  • We have corrected the LCA activity for ecoinvent data, changing it from na to unknown.
  • We have corrected the previously erroneous values for the gases CH₄ and N₂O in the electricity data sourced from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) 2024 for New Zealand.
  • We have removed the parts electricity_consumption, petrol_consumption, and fuel_combustion from the activity ids, as these are now incorporated into the LCA activities for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs).
  • We have normalized emission factors for the Waste sector.
  • We have updated the source link for GLEC v3.0 data.
  • We have added details in the descriptions of the Green-e dataset.
  • We have updated all activity ids for consumer_services to now be categorized under professional_services.

Data Removed

  • The source OpenIO Canada no longer provides emission factors for the activity transport_services-type_rail_freight_transportation_services in the regions CA-NU, CA-YT, and CA-PE, as well as for the activity agriculture_fishing_forestry-type_grain_storage in the region CA-NL.

Link to All Changes in a Structured Format:

Data release changelog Google Sheet (opens in a new tab)

If there are any emission factors you cannot find, please feel free to reach out.