Data Versions
Version 13.13

Data Version 13.13

This is Data Version 13.13. The highest major version is 13, and the highest minor version is 13. To use the major version, you can use ^13. To use it as a minor version, you can use x.13, e.g., 0.13 or 1.13. This data version was released on May 30th, 2024.

Data Added

This data release introduces:

  • Activity-based emission data for New Zealand for the year 2023, sourced from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). This dataset covers emission factors across various sectors, including transportation, energy, organizational activities, accommodation, waste, and water.
  • CO2e emission data for logistics and supply chain activities, based on the GLEC Framework v3.0.

Data Changed

This list only covers major changes. Changes covering a smaller subset of emission factors, or changes such as name or description changes, are not listed. Find a link at the end of this document to a structured table listing all changes.

  • The year valid of the electricity data from the GHG Emission Factors Hub dataset, published by the EPA, has been corrected.
  • The source link for ecoinvent v3.8 data has been updated.
  • Several activity IDs have been corrected to be consistent with other activity IDs about when to use underscores versus dashes

Data Removed

No data has been removed in this release.

Link to All Changes in a Structured Format:

Data release changelog Google Sheet (opens in a new tab)

If there are any emission factors you cannot find, please feel free to reach out.