Data Versions
Version 16.16

Data Version 16.16

This is Data Version 16.16. The highest major version is 16, and the highest minor version is 16. To use the major version, you can use ^16. To use it as a minor version, you can use x.16, e.g., 0.16 or 1.16. This data version was released on August 19th, 2024.

New Data

  • UK Government (BEIS / DEFRA) 2024 activity-based dataset
  • Hotel emission factors segmented by star ranking (2, 3, 4, 5) at a country and city level, provided by Greenview.
  • Biogenic CO2 emission factors from multiple sources including UK Government (BEIS / DEFRA), EPA, CBAM, and GHG Protocol.

Data Changed

This list only covers major changes. Changes covering a smaller subset of emission factors, or changes such as name or description changes, are not listed. Find a link at the end of this document to a structured table listing all changes.


We have standardised fuel-type (fuel name) within activity ids so that each fuel has the same fuel-type even if it is called something different by the source.

We have standardised fuel-use (e.g. mobile / stationary) within activity ids so that each use has the same fuel-use even if it is labelled differently by the source.

Biogenic fuels

For biogenic fuels the same activity_id now covers biogenic and fossil emissions. Biogenic emissions are labelled by a new source_lca_activity - biogenic_co2_combustion.

We have updated the descriptions of biogenic emission factors to clarify what they represent and how they can be used.

Data Removed

No data has been removed in this release

Link to All Changes in a Structured Format:

Data release changelog Google Sheet (opens in a new tab)

If there are any emission factors you cannot find, please feel free to reach out.